The Gaston Radio Club had Summer Field Day 2022 at Common Ground at the First United Methodost Church in Stanley located at 5481 Hickory Grove Rd. Field Day went from 2pm Saturday June 25 to 5pm Sunday June 26. We want to thank everyone that participated. Click here to view Stats
Test Session for Saturday May 7 has been cancelled due to issue with the FCC ULS System
Al Conklin head Metorologist from WBTV visits Gaston Regional Skywarn at Zion Baptist Church on Tuesday April 5th at 11am.
The members of Gaston Radio Club participated in Field Day from home this year due to the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Click here to view Stats
Come by and visit us at the Shelby Hamfest. We will have two tables setup and will have items to raffle.
Anyone wishing to sell items at our table please contact Tony Jones N4ATJ at

Summer Field Day - 06/26/2021
The Gaston Radio Club had Summer Field Day 2021 at Common Ground at the First United Methodost Church in Stanley located at 5481 Hickory Grove Rd. Field Day ran from 2pm Saturday June 26 to 5pm Sunday June 27. We began setup at 10am Friday.
We want to thank everyone that came out and helped with setup, tear down, and operated. We had a successful field day and are looking forward to next year. Click here to view Stats
Winter Field Day 2021 - 01/30/2021
Winter Field Day 2021 was cancelled due to Covid-19 Pandemic
Oscars 103rd Birthday - 09/25/2020
Oscars birthday had to be a drive by this year due to the Covid-19 pandemic. It was estimated that about 45 people attened. The party was between 13:00 and 14:00 on 25 September 2020.
Summer Field Day 2020 - 06/28/2020
Summer Field Day 2020 was cancelled due to Covid-19 Pandemic
Winter Field Day - 01/25/2020
The Gaston Radio Club will be had Winter Field Day 2020 at the Common Ground at the First United Methodist Church in Stanley NC.
Scouts on the Air Jamboree 2019 - 10/19/2019
The following members helped with the Scouts Jamboree on the Air at Commom Ground in Stanlry, North Carolina.
- Tony Jones N4ATJ
- Fred Clemmer W4FAC
- Brian Taylor N4WBT
- David Coviello N1DDC
- Gary Holland KN4RAB
- Craig Khan KN4EHZ
- Michael Burke N8LVR
Craig KN4EHZ set up a HF and 2 meter rig, Michael N8LVR set up a HF rig, and David N1DDC set up a computer for digital contacts.
We used the special event call sign of N1C
The scouts had 24 QSO's that included three countries, USA, Germany, and Slovenia. We also had two foxhunts just for the Scouts and Scoutmasters.
In the future we will be working with the Scouts on their merit badges.
N1O Ham of the Centery Event Sep 20 thru Sep. 29 - 09/29/2019
Members of the Gaston Radio Club conducted a special event statio celebration the 102nd birthday of Oscar Norris, W4OXH. There were over two thousand contact that were made.

Shelby Hamfest - 08/30/2019
The Gaston Radio Club was present at the Shelby Hamfest. The club raffled two radios, a Yaesu FT-65, and a Boafeng UIV5R III.
13 Colonies Event 2019 - 07/01/2019
Members of the Gaston Radio Club were involved with the 13 Colonies Event this year. The members were Robert E. Wells Jr W7CSA, Tony Jones N4ATJ, Gary Whitt W5GDW, Gary Hollond KN4RAB, Dalton Scism W4WXL.
Summer Field Day 2019 - 06/22/2019
Thank you all for joining the Gaston Radio Club for our 4th annual field day event. We had a great turnout of volunteers and visitors from the surrounding area. We would like to extend a special thank you to Chef Sebastian Wells and the owner, Kevin and Denise Jonas of Nellie's Southern Kitchen in Belmont for donating the food for our event. We would also like to thank First United Methodist Church of Stanley for allowing us to use their facitity Common Ground. Thank you again for your continued support. We look forward to see you again next year.

Winter Field Day 2019 - 01/26/2019
Thank you all for joining the Gaston Radio Club for our first Winter Field Day event. This event was a hudge success. We had around 35 people show up for our first Winter Field Day We had a great turnout of volunteers and visitors from the surrounding area. We would like to extend a special thank you to Zion Baptist Church for allowing us to use their property Thank you again for your continued support. We look forward to see you again next year.

13 Colonies Event 2018 - 07/01/2018
Two members of our club, Robert E Wells Jr W7CSA and Tony Jones N4ATJ, participated in the annual 13 Colonies Special Event. North Carolina was able to accumulate more contacts than any of the other 13 Colonies.
Summer Field Day 2018 - 06/30/2018
Thank you all for joining the Gaston Radio Club for our 3nd annual field day event. We had a great turnout of volunteers and visitors from the surrounding area. We would like to extend a special thank you to Chef Sebastian Wells and the owner, Kevin and Denise Jonas of Nellie's Southern Kitchen in Belmont for donating the food for our event. We would also like to thank Zion Baptist Church for their support and allowing us to use their property to host our field day. Thank you again for your continued support. We look forward to see you again next year.
Eclipse 2017 - 08/22/2017
Members of the Gaston Radio Club traveled to Lexington South Carolina on August 21, 2017. We would like tto thank the uncle of Robert Wells W7CSA Danny Williams and his daughter Laura for the use of their property on Lake Murry to operate special event station N4S
Summer Field Day 2017 - 06/24/2017
Thank you all for joining the Gaston Radio Club for our 2nd annual field day event. We had a great turnout of volunteers and visitors from the surrounding area. We would like to extend a special thank you to Hound's Drive-In of Kings Mountain for being so welcoming and allowing us to establish our command center onsite. We at GRC would also like to thank our sponsors Tony's Ice-cream, Ole Carolina BBQ, Black's BBQ, Harris Teeter and Choice USA Beverage for helping make field day possible for us. Thank you again for your continued support. We look forward to see you again next year.
Summer Field Day 2016 - 06/25/2016
Thank you all for joining the Gaston Radio Club for our 2nd annual field day event. We had a great turnout of volunteers and visitors from the surrounding area. We would like to extend a special thank you to Hound's Drive-In of Kings Mountain for being so welcoming and allowing us to establish our command center onsite. We at GRC would also like to thank our sponsors Tony's Ice-cream, Ole Carolina BBQ, Black's BBQ, Harris Teeter and Choice USA Beverage for helping make field day possible for us. Thank you again for your continued support. We look forward to see you again next year.